Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Night Lights -synopsis-

Part I: Night Lights
Night lights were streaming into the room among handcraft glass spheres. There was no curtain on the window, only there were those glass beads. I was looking at the scene of a city made of lights and the dark waters of the Bosphorus over the tree outside the window. It seemed like there was nothing behind my eyes sparkling in the candle light, noone could speak of a heart or a soul in my looks. I was feeling the others around me, others like me existed too. But deep within there was that strangest feeling. Fragile, damaged, even destroyed, a spirit full of pain.
I was said to have a crushing beauty, and this impressive appearance of mine had been my shield, my weapon and my war. People treated me however they wanted, and I didnt care about it at all. It made no sense whether I was counted for being a vampire or not. I was real, I was among them and I was feeding on them. It wasnt important how they treated me or what they did to me as long as I existed in a way. I dont remember “the day” but I am sure I live “by day” too. An orange colored sun, a lover making coffee in my kitchen, my choice of staying in bed asleep although I am invited for breakfast... The day was something like this. I know I am a vampire but I feed unconsciously, not being able to prove this to myself and I certainly find my way back home before the sunrise. My consciousness is with me only when I am alone. People hate being alone and I am working for some of them to remove this feeling. It was so easy for me to find somebody on that night, I think it was how I hunted, I dont know.
I love this city, she is like a splendid woman wearing the night on her like a chic velvet dress. I also enjoy feeding on the beautiful people of this city. Sometimes a charming lady or an attractive gentleman knocks on my door to make me deal with their loneliness. I did whatever they liked and then whatever I liked myself. If I didnt believe that I was a vampire, I would assume that these humans were vanished in the day light. First they were there and then they were gone. It is out of one's command. It is an extraordinary situation. People called it love, they suffered for this. However they wanted more. More in every second. The lines of fear and lust are the same on their faces. The séance always ended before I decided on which one was true for them. I dont actually remember that I make an exit by instinct and I also dont remember the last thing I see. After that I feel the nourishing taste of a wine having a run all over my body and I carry this dizziness home. And then there is an endless sleep.
I dont feel the slightest responsibility to the other vampires to see even themselves dont seem to care about their own race. I dont really care if they exist, or how many are there, where are they or how do they do. I see them everywhere but never I felt the need for one. I introduced some of them who got in my way with my friend "Death". I will sure remember how I did that when I have to do it again.
I was only trying to reach the source of that strange feeling at the moment. I saw in my mind a slim and tall silhouette coming out into a street full of light. I dont know who is it, but it seemed to endure such existence. Life is strange, really. It is often full of living deads, unburning fires and dreams that come true. I had never met an energy form resembling mine and being more sensitive than I am. I decided to go out and look for it. Maybe I would find another lonely soul instead, I dont know. It is also true that life is full of surprises even for a vampire. I flowed into the light to trace the shades of pain and got disappeared. But it is not over yet. The things I've told and I will tell are as real as I am.